Appendix 2

Public hearings

Wednesday, 09 November 2016 – Sydney

Climate Council

Mr Andrew Stock, Climate Councillor

The Climate Institute

Mr Erwin Jackson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Ms Olivia Kember, Head of Policy

The Australia Institute

Mr Roderick Campbell, Research Director

Private capacity

Associate Professor Frank Jotzo

Australian Conservation Foundation Inc

Ms Kelly O'Shanassy, Chief Executive Officer

Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie

Mr Michael Mersmann, Director, Globalisation and European Policy

Works Council, RAG Corporation

Mr Norbert Maus, Chair, through Claudia Koch, interpreter

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Ms Gerardine (Ged) Kearney, President

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

Mr Anthony Maher, National President

Mr Peter John Colley, National Research Director

Electrical Trades Union

Adjunct Professor Sally Weller, Consultant


Thursday, 17 November 2016 – Melbourne

AGL Energy

Mr Anthony Chappel, Head Of Government and Community Relations

Dr Timothy Nelson, Head Of Economic Policy and Sustainability

Australian Energy Council

Mr Matthew Warren, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Kieran Donoghue, General Manager Policy


Mr Mark Collette, Executive Energy

Mr Lee Evans, Policy and Advocacy Leader

Ms Lisa Gooding, Government and Policy Leader

Voices of the Valley

Ms Wendy Farmer, President

Mr Ron Ipsen, Vice-President

Ms Bronya Lipski, Member

Latrobe City Council

Mr Philip Alexander Stone, General Manager City Development

Earthworker Cooperative

Mr Dan Musil, Secretary

Centre for Social Change

Dr Amanda Cahill, Director

Environment Victoria

Mr Mark Wakeham, Chief Executive Officer

Dr Nicholas Aberle, Campaigns Manager           

Infigen Energy

Mr Jonathan Upson, Senior Business Development Manager


Mr Daniel Thompson, Director of Development

Clean Energy Council

Ms Alicia Webb, Director of Large Scale Energy

Melbourne Energy Institute, University Of Melbourne

Professor Michael Brear, Director

Professor Pierluigi Mancarella, Chair, Professor of Electrical Power Systems

Victorian Division, National Tertiary Education Union

Dr Colin Long, Secretary

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